Bauhinia purpurea is a small to medium-size deciduous tree growing to 17 feet (5.2 m) tall. The leaves are 10–20 centimetres (3.9–7.9 in) long and broad, rounded, and bilobed at the base and apex. The flowers are conspicuous, pink, and fragrant, with five petals. The fruit is a pod 30 centimetres (12 in) long, containing 12 to 16 seeds. Leaves are alternate.
The Purple Orchid Tree is an exotic tropical tree that blooms over a long period of time. The beautiful & fragrant, classic, Orchid-like flowers of Bauhinia purpurea makes this small tree, native to India, a favourite of many plant lovers. In fall, before the leaves drop, Orchid-Tree is festooned with many showy and delightfully fragrant, five-inch-wide blossoms, the narrow purple, pink, and lavender petals arranged to closely resemble an orchid. These flowers appear on the trees from September through November and are a beautiful sight to see, creating a vivid splash of color in the autumn landscape. Curiously, the flower colors varies quite a lot. There are some trees which have white flowers with only some streaks of purple in them. Purple orchid tree can be easily distinguished from Orchid Tree (Bauhinia variegata) in that the petals of Purple orchid tree are narrower and do not overlap. On the other hand, the petals of Bauhinia variegata are broad and overlap - it never open fully flat. The flowers are followed by 12-inch-long, slender, brown, flat seedpods which usually persist on the tree throughout the winter. The foliage light green and deeply notched at the tip. Bauhinia purpurea can reach up to 20 feet tall and have a 25 foot crown.
what is life meaning Life is a complex and beautiful thing that can be both joyful and challenging. It is a journey full of ups and downs, successes and failures, and moments of great happiness and deep sorrow. Every person's experience of life is unique and shaped by their own thoughts, beliefs, and actions. At its core, life is about growth, learning, and connecting with others. We all have a purpose and a role to play in the world, and it is up to us to discover what that is and fulfill it to the best of our abilities. Along the way, we will face obstacles and setbacks, but these are opportunities for us to learn, grow, and become stronger. Ultimately, life is what we make of it. We have the power to create our own reality and shape our own destiny. By living with purpose, gratitude, and kindness, we can make the most of the time we have and leave a positive impact on the world around us.
The large amount of flamboyant color on this species creates a wonderful accent in a garden. 'Lavender Queen' can be grown in shrub or vine form, quickly growing 20' tall and 15' wide. Once established, they tend to be carefree. It is susceptible to frost damage. 'Lavender Queen' has large lavender flowers, more bloom than other varieties, most of the year. This plant does well in full sun, well draining, sandy or loamy, slightly acidic soil. Very heat tolerant. Needs little water once it's established. Watch out for thorns. *Description by PlantMaster Rich, deep purple, petal-like bracts are displayed against handsome, deep green foliage. A wonderful compact, upright and spreading form that works well in planter boxes, and on fences and arbors. Evergreen in frost-free areas; use as a colorful annual in cooler northern zones.
Family : Leguminosae (Caesalpinioideae) Synonym : Inga pterocarpa DC. Common Names : Charakonna, Copper pod tree, Yellow flame tree Flowering Period : Throughout the year Distribution : Native of Sri Lanka, Malaya Peninsula and North Australia Habitat : Planted as ornamental avenue tree Uses : Avenue plant, ornamental. In traditional medicine it is used as an astringent to cure or relieve intestinal disorders after pain at childbirth, sprains, bruises and swelling or as a lotion for eye troubles, muscular pains and sores. Key Characters : Trees with young parts brown tomentulose. Leaves bipinnate, alternate, pulvinate; pinnae 10-12 pairs, opposite, margin entire. Flowers bisexual, golden yellow, in terminal or lateral racemose panicles; calyx lobes 5, ovate; petals 5, subequal, crinkled; stamens 10, filaments free; ovary half inferior; stigma peltate. Fruit a pod.
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